Jerry Bergman

Jerry Bergman

( 5 )
وصف المؤلف غير متوفر حاليا

كتبه :

How Great Evil Birthed Great Good: Inspired by the True Story of Two Families
( 0 )
Jerry Bergman

How Great Evil Birthed Great Good: Inspired by the True Story of Two Families

Darwinism Is the Doorway to Atheism: Why Creationists Become Evolutionists
( 0 )
Jerry Bergman

Darwinism Is the Doorway to Atheism: Why Creationists Become Evolutionists

Slaughter of the Dissidents
( 0 )
Jerry Bergman

Slaughter of the Dissidents

Useless Organs: The Rise and Fall of a Central Claim of Evolution
( 0 )
Jerry Bergman

Useless Organs: The Rise and Fall of a Central Claim of Evolution

Hitler and the Nazi Darwinian Worldview
( 0 )
Jerry Bergman

Hitler and the Nazi Darwinian Worldview

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العدد الإجمالي : 5 كتاب